My guest tonight on The Lifeboat Hour is Peter Joseph of the Zeitgeist Movement. You’re going to hear us as never before.
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I finally finished the book. – Federico Pistono
It’s been quite a ride. Eight months of researching, studying, discussing, and writing.
During this time I read hundreds of articles, scientific papers, dozens of books, and spoke with innumerable more people.
As my first attempt, I know that in retrospect it will feel like a rough edit.
Every time I wrote something, waited a bit, then went back reading it, I wanted to change, subtract, transform.
Eventually I realised I had to stop and be content with what I had done.
Ny version av Chapters Guide
Nya versionen av “The Chapters Guide” ligger på plats här nu.
Läs den för att förstå rollen av hur ett chapter fungerar inom rörelsen.
Den innehåller viktig information som alla som engagerar sig inom rörelsen bör läsa igenom.
A Leaderless Movement
There is a popular demand within the Zeitgeist Movement: Horizontality, meaning the group’s ability to participate in decision making both locally and globally.
We all want to participate, and rightly so. From the outset, the movement declared itself as a leaderless one, without hierarchies.
So why is it so difficult to achieve this? Isn’t the way to go, obvious?
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